Why Kickstarter? Why Self Pub?
So I’m doing something different with Book 2. I’m doing a Kickstarter. Why you may ask?
Mainly, to get you the best quality book as fast as possible.
This is Book 2 in the series, so it will be published. However, I want to put it out faster and more polished, while giving people some awesome rewards – hence Kickstarter! Plus, if we hit some of the amazing stretch goals, it secures all I need for books 3 and 4 in the series.
As for self publishing, in a word-control. I write on the side (meaning outside my day job and family obligations), so I want to be able to put a book out as soon as I can without waiting for a publisher. I want to be able to tell the story I want on my schedule, and not have to hit a certain deadline. I can put books out as fast as I can, yet delay the deadline if needed because of life.
So really they go hand in hand!
For those of you who don’t know what Kickstarter is, maybe you have heard the term “crowdfunding.” Basically, you can back a “project”, and you help the creator realize their dream. In return, you get awesome rewards, depending on what level you back then at.
FYI-I’m working on my rewards, and they will be awesome! Everything from just the E-book, the paperback, all of my paperbacks, and even tiers where you get to design a character with me! Plus cool swag and some Kickstarter exclusives!
Another cool thing about Kickstarter is the stretch goals. Which means even more rewards for everyone the higher the funding level reached!
August 16th people. Also expect a few more blog posts from me close to and during he Kickstarter.
I sincerely hope you check it out when I “kick it off”! Haha! There will be some awesome rewards.
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When’s the realease date for death cloud
I'm still working on the exact date, but it's looking like the November-December time frame. Not as soon as I'd like, but that's as quick as I can get it out!